
Bremen secures BCDC Approval

RODE is proud to announce that Bremen Street received approval from the Boston Civic Design Commission, a major milestone for this striking new development facing the Bremen Street Community Park.

Our design takes great care to integrate the scale of a 145-unit building into a dense, existing residential building fabric, while also offering a bold, contemporary vision for the neighborhood. The integration with the community extends to the building program: artist units and maker-space amenities work to sustain the local creative community.

We are especially appreciative of the encouragement voiced by members of the Commission:

This is the kind of the mid-scale project that we should be encouraging all over the city. It's well-crafted architecturally with a variety that is economical and superior to typical residential projects we see in the city.   / William Rawn

I'm impressed with how you took a long building that fits into the context without directly imitating. This is a nice project.   / Andrea Leers

I commend you on creating something modern and new that is still responsive to the existing neighborhood. You can see the ways the module of triple-deckers in the neighborhood have translated into this design....

...I would like to add that this project should be used as a model for residential projects of this scale that come before the Commission.   / Anne-Marie Lubenau

The project will now work to secure approvals from the BPDA, and looks forward to breaking ground later in the year.