
The Daily opens in Savin Hill

The folding planes of the building complete the streetwall along Savin Hill Ave, and provide exterior spaces for the commercial tenants. Photo Credit Michael Dellefave; blog cover photo credit Dan Sheehan.

RODE is proud to announce that the residents of Savin Hill have yet another reason to love their neighborhood! New market "the Daily" opened its doors at 110 Savin Hill Ave this week, joining Savin Hill Fitness Studio and a potential co-working tenant on the upper floors. The market replaces a distressed property - that lay abandoned for more than a decade - with bright, welcoming, street-level windows, casting energy out into the Village and offering a new place for neighbors to meet, and shop.

RODE was drawn to the opportunity to create a space that would anchor this small retail district, a mission that was shared by developers James Baker and John McDonough. “When we were kids... every corner had a market. It was really part of a fabric of the community, and we’re looking to do that, replicate that, and make sure people feel this is a gathering place, a place to commune, quite frankly. And we think we can do that," offers Baker. The market is located across from the Savin Hill Redline station, providing a convenient stop for local commuters.

The Daily carries a number of offerings from nearby food incubator Commonwealth Kitchen; RODE designed their commissary at the Bornstein Pearl Food Production Center in 2014.

The building strengthens the streetscape of Savin Hill Ave, bringing new vitality to this neighborhood village. The folding forms tie into the street wall, activate the sidewalk, and reference the adjacent Flats on Savin and Cristo Rey High School, while creating outdoor spaces for the commercial tenants.

Read more about the market's opening in the Dorchester Reporter: On deck in Savin Hill: The Daily Market