The Impact of Good Architecture
By Eddie Baez
As a Senior at Cristo Rey Boston High School, I've had the opportunity to do an internship with RODE Architects. This experience has really opened my eyes to the importance of architecture. I’ve learned that architecture is a form of art that and adds beauty and solves real world problems.
We walk by buildings every day with different colors, styles, and uses for different types of communities. But we usually don’t take the time to acknowledge how well-thought-out the buildings are, and the details that go into their design. During my time here at RODE I’ve had the chance to sit in on design meetings and see how a project is planned. How much space is needed and how the building is going to affect the surrounding communities are some of the most important things talked about in meetings. The efficiency of energy, water, and other resources is also thoroughly discussed.
Many of RODE’s projects demonstrate a focus on the environment. RODE’s design for E+ Mission Hill includes a public garden and private residences. The residential building design focused on efficiency and performance. For example, tripled-paned windows provide energy and window shading and the solar hot water panels turn heat into hot water.
E+ Mission Hill
RODE’s NY Concrete Facility is currently under construction and took on another challenge. Energy consumption was one of the things they worked on reducing, but their main focus was to design a building that retains an industrial design but blends in with the nearby residential zone. RODE’s design added well-lit paths around the perimeter of the facility to promote walkability and blend together industrial and residential zones. I understand from this project that it’s important to know how a building’s design will affect the community, not just how good looking the building is.
NY Concrete Facility
RODE also designed Passive House certified homes in West Roxbury called Brucewood. These homes are designed and built in a special way that uses minimal energy for heating and cooling throughout the seasons. They are extremely sustainable and use less resources. They are also beautiful and their natural materials make them fit nicely into the residential neighborhood.
The architects here at RODE emphasize the importance of environmental and community impact in everything they design. I’ve learned how important it is for architecture to work to solve real problems while also adding beauty to the world. From start to finish, the best architecture puts the community and environment first.