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Meet the Team: Maria Martinez

RODE Architects is proud to share that its team of enthusiastic and talented designers has grown! This month, we welcomed interior designer Maria Martinez to the RODE family. We sat down…erm…fired up a zoom chat…and interviewed Maria to get to know her better.

Maria was such a good interviewee that we have decided to make this a recurring blog series. We will put a different member of the team in the hot seat each month and try to get them to reveal their deepest secrets…or just answer our questions.

Why did you choose to pursue a job with RODE?

Professional growth, hospitality design, & RODE's creative/ collaborative process are what drew me to the firm.

What's it like starting a new position during quarantine!?

It is oddly comforting to know that, in the midst of uncertainty, I am able to start a new, professional adventure. It is a bag of mixed feelings, but I am channeling it all into excitement. The biggest challenge is that I am a people person, so virtually getting to know my new professional family feels unnatural. Needless to say, the entire company is doing an amazing job at staying connected. Lending a hand, even if it’s a virtual hand.

What new skill have you honed while navigating the role from home?

The skill of letting go! When your home turns into your whole world, you have to learn to let go; Many things are out of our control so one has to make the best out of the circumstance.

Where did you attend school for Interior Design? What was your favorite class and why?

I attended Boston Architectural College and really enjoyed my Critical Theories course. My teacher took the opportunity to create a truly safe environment where we talked openly about, "non-design related topics". I ended up realizing that design IS everywhere, and it informs every topic.

Besides working at RODE, what is your favorite hobby? Does your hobby inspire your design or vice versa?

Ballet! Dance informs my design through a deep understanding of spatial awareness. Artistically, it shows me the beauty of balance in a composition, whether it is a space or a choreography.

Would you rather do the interior design of a luxury treehouse or a luxury submarine, and why?

A luxury treehouse because I never had one as a child. I would add a sky light so that users can lay down and see the sky.

What is your favorite architectural landmark in Boston? Why?

The MIT Chapel by Eero Saarinen. It exemplifies the simplistic yet powerful expression of mid-century design. A place for all to spiritually rest, be elevated, and connect with nature through reflective light and water.

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